Tagged: Improv Everywhere

Improv Everywhere – Best Buy Uniform Prank.

The latest from Improv Everywhere includes 80 people entering a Manhattan Best Buy wearing blue polo shirts and khaki pants. The police are called and are not allowed to arrest someone for wearing a blue shirt, Best Buy kicks everyone out that is wearing a uniform similar to their own.

Improv Everywhere – Say Something Nice.

Improv Everywhere is known for creating skits throughout New York City. This video they create a wooden lectern with a megaphone holster and add a sign that reads ‘Say Something Nice’. Improv Everywhere captures what people say into the megaphone, this is what they caught.

Improve Everywhere – MP3 Experiment Eight In NYC.

Over 3,500 people joined in on Improv Everywhere’s lastest MP3 Experiment in New York City. 3,500 people downloaded an MP3 and played it all at the same time. The large groups dance, give high-fives, and meet up to perform a light show in New York City’s Nelson Rockefeller Park.

Carousel Horse Race.

The 143rd running of the Bryant Park Stakes. Turning a carousel into an actual horse race is very entertaining.