Two Navy Baseball Players Perfectly Lip Sync Frozen’s ‘Love Is An Open Door’

After watching Samuel and Nia Rader’s perfect lip sync performance of ‘Love Is An Open Door’ from the hit film Frozen, Navy baseball players Brad Borosak and Matt Kilby decided to create their own lip-synched version. In just four days Brad and Matt’s perfect lip sync rendition has been seen more than 1.2 million times. […]

Dad Videobombs His Daughter Singing Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’

While singing ‘Let It Go’ from the hit film Frozen, Todd Luallen decided to videobomb his daughter Harley’s performance. Todd sneaks in from behind, then flawlessly lip syncs his daughter’s rendition. Harley had no idea what was going on behind her and her mother, Danielle, captured it all on video. [DanielleLuallen] [Via]

Firefighters Sing Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’ To Calm Little Girl Stuck In Elevator

Last Wednesday 4-year-old Kaelyn Kerr was stuck in an elevator with her mom and baby brother. Massachusetts firefighters quickly came to the rescue, but when they placed a ladder in the elevator little Kaelyn began to panic. To calm her, firefighter Scott Myette took out his phone and began playing ‘Let It Go’ from the […]

Parents Perfectly Lip Sync Frozen’s ‘Love Is An Open Door’

Samuel and Nia Rader of Terell, Texas might enjoy the soundtrack to Disney’s Frozen more than their daughter. During a recent drive, Sam and Nia perfectly lip synced ‘Love Is An Open Door’ from the hit film. Meanwhile, their daughter in the back seat appears unimpressed. [samuel8955]