How To Pronounce Uranus.

C.G.P. Grey takes a look at the correct name of our solar system’s 7th planet, Uranus. Several scientists pronounce the planet YUR-in-us and many youngsters like to pronounce the planet yoo-RAIN-us. Uranus was named The Georgium Sidis in 1781 by it’s discoverer William Herschel. By 1789 the planet had four names, The Georgium Sidis, Herschel, […]

5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown.

The popular Colin Gregory Palmer Grey aka C.G.P. Grey takes a look at 5 Historical Misconceptions. Misconceptions include Viking horns, Lady Godiva riding through town naked, Napolean’s height, Roman Vomitorium and Columbus. Grey has also covered 8 Animal Misconceptions and 10 Common Myths Debunked. [Link]

Canada Gets Rid Of The Penny.

Canada has announced they will begin to withdraw the Penny from circulation beginning fall 2012. The reason for the change is that Canada loses $11 million each year supplying pennies to the economy. To cope with the new change Canadian prices will either round up or round down to the nearest $.05 when paying with […]

What Is A Leap Year?

Popular C.G.P. Grey explains Leap Year and why we have an extra day in February every 4 years. The extra day in Leap Year places our days back on track since one year is actually 365 days and 6 hours. Looks like there is no way to build perfect Calendar so why not make everyone […]

8 Animal Misconceptions.

Colin Gregory Palmer Grey aka C.G.P. Grey is known for debunking many things that we may question, including an explanation of Groundhog Day and 2012. In his latest video Grey covers 8 animal misconceptions that most people believe including lemmings running of cliffs, touching baby birds, dog vision and more. Grey has 10 more misconceptions […]