History Lesson For The History Channel.

The popular CGP Grey shares a quick history lesson for The History Channel. Over the past few years The History Channel has introduced shows such as Ancient Aliens, 2012 and Pawn Stars straying away from their ‘History Channel’ name.


CGP Grey covers the basics of copyright, a contract between authors and society promising more stuff if original work is not copied or built on for 28 years. Today copyright is held for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years.

How To Become Pope.

With the recent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, Colin Gregory Palmer Grey examines how one becomes the Pope. [CGPGrey]

The United States Debt Limit Explained.

Colin Gregory Palmer Grey, aka C.G.P. Grey explains the United States debt limit in his latest educational video. If Congress fails to increase the $16.4 trillion limit, the United States could default on its debt which would lead to a severe economic impact. Previously: The Difference Between Holland And The Netherlands. [CGPGrey]

What Happens If The Presidential Election Is A Tie?

Colin Gregory Palmer Grey aka C.G.P Grey takes a look at the upcoming presidential election and answers the question, ‘What happens if the electoral college is tied?’ Previously: The (Secret) City Of London. [Link]