Technology | Science

The Bizarre Border Of The United States And Canada

The popular Colin Gregory Palmer Grey, aka CGP Grey, examines the Canada-United States border, aka the International Boundary, the longest international border in the world. Grey explains the border is defined by the ‘border vista’, a 20-foot-wide space that covers the entire 5,500+ miles and includes more than 8,000 ‘International Boundary’ monuments.

Scientists In Submarine Capture Mermaid On Camera

In March of this year Geologist Dr. Torsten Schmidt and former NOAA Biologist Dr. Paul Robertson claim they captured footage of a mermaid during a deep sea exploration in the Greenland Sea. Robertson and Schmidt’s mermaid footage aired over the weekend during an interview on Animal Planet’s Mermaids: The New Evidence. We’ll let you decided if mermaids really exist or not.

Compilation Of Creative Ways To Open A Beer

Just in time for the weekend Clip Nation has put together this compilation of different ways you can open a beer without a bottle opener. The compilation features people using chainsaws, skateboards, golf clubs, helicopters and more to open their beverage.