Tagged: Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon – ‘Romney And Bain’.

Last night on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy dressed as James Taylor and sang ‘Romney and Bain’, a parody of ‘Fire and Rain’. ‘Romney and Bain’ is a song about the Republican and Democratic Nation Conventions and the upcoming election presidential election.

Jack Blankenship – Alabama Face Guy.

19-year old Jack Blankenship is known for his large face made to distract college basketball opponents. Jimmy Fallon featured Jack on last night’s episode sharing with us the history of the face and how to perform it. While in New York the TODAY Show also featured Jack after his face was caught by ESPN which lead him to his viral fame.

Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

Today Show

Michelle Obama And Jimmy Fallon – Let’s Move Competition.

As a part of Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ initiative Jimmy Fallon heads to the White House to compete against the First Lady in a push ups, tug of war, hula hoops, dodge ball and a potato sack race. You can’t beat Michelle Obama at her own game.

Dog Predicts Super Bowl XLVI Winner.

Anastasia, a Jack Russel Terrier loves to destroy balloons, featured on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’ last year and predicted the Green Bay Packers to win the Super Bowl. Anastasia is brought back and predicts the New England Patriots to win Super Bowl XLVI. ‘Late Night with Jimmy Fallon’ also predicts the Patriots to win the Super Bowl, Bruce Mackabee wearing the Patriots jersey is the first puppy to the kibble and is the predicted winner. We well see if these dogs are right tomorrow night!

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon